The creators of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners introduced a new illustration in honor of the upcoming holidays

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Leak: Worms Revolution Gold Edition Giveaway Tomorrow at GOG

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New Atomic Heart Screenshot Reveals Creepy Winter Atmosphere

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“Fire all involved”: the series “The Witcher: Origins” seriously angered the audience

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Charlie Cox says Daredevil: Born Again will film for 11 months

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It looks like Assassin’s Creed Origins is giving away next week on the Epic Games Store

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The creators of the shooter Atomic Heart showed a spectacular freezing of robots in the game

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Avatar: The Way of Water has already earned over $600 million at the global box office

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The neural network showed Henry Cavill as a hero of the Warhammer 40,000 universe

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning has been updated with a new mode

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Baldur’s Gate 3 RPG Launches Big Changes for Players

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Baldur’s Gate 3 RPG Launches Big Changes for Players

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Update #30 for Baldur’s Gate 3 with bug fixes and performance improvements

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She Will Punish Them’s latest update adds new enemies and another photo scene[]=

Hogwarts Legacy Community Manager Reveals Some Combat Details

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from the new game have already managed to visit the world of Streets of Rage 2 thanks to the hack

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Updated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 based on Ampere GA107 gets 15W lower power consumption

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Dwayne Johnson will not return as Black Adam in James Gunn’s upcoming DC projects

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The authors of a new study named the 10 most anticipated games of 2023 – Hogwarts Legacy in first place

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Kickstarter has banned fundraising for Unstable Diffusion, but the creators of the neural network do not lose heart

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Tobey Maguire discussed memes, a dancing child and answered other user questions

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A user showed a deleted scene from Detroit: Become Human

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It looks like Assassin’s Creed Origins is giving away next week on the Epic Games Store

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Microsoft reveals three upcoming Bethesda games will be Xbox and PC exclusives

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STALCRAFT successfully debuted on Steam – over 10,000 players and 3,000 positive reviews

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Three games from the cult Fallout series are being given away for free on the Epic Games Store©

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Kickstarter blocked the selection of coins on Unstable Diffusion, but the creators of neural networks do not collapse ©

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Rockstar promises that GTA 6 “will set creative benchmarks for the series, the gaming industry and all the entertainment”

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empress hacked doing light 2: flock hüman

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