The weather forecaster warned of the approaching atmospheric front: what weather it will bring

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Family doctors wanted to be rewarded for the high rate of vaccination

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The famous singer lit a “strawberry” in a translucent dress without underwear

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“Beautiful Georgian”: Dmitry Gordon showed himself in his youth with hair and beard

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For trips to the Russian version: mail dancer Dorofeeva was threatened online

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Ukraine lives in the fight against nature: the State Coinspection beats three times because of the state of the environment

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Free elections and release of political prisoners: EU names conditions for lifting sanctions on Belarus

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“Huge loss”: the Minister of Culture commented on the death of the artist Roitburd

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74-year-old Sofia Rotaru killed fans on the spot with her rejuvenated appearance

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A 22-year-old boy was killed in Poltava region

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The flag of Ukraine was burned: a guy from Mariupol became a “hero” of the network because of a disgusting act

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Medal standings of the 2020 Olympics: Ukraine has achieved an anti-record since independence

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– In Melitopol the drunk driver “flew” to a stop and demolished a newsstand

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Pepper recipes: 3 incredible dishes for all times

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Preparations for Zelensky’s visit to the United States are coming to an end – the ambassador

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COVID vaccination center opened at Lviv airport: those arriving or departing will be vaccinated

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Ukrainians were told who will be able to save on electricity bills

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– Shoigu responded to Zelensky’s statements about Crimea with an Odessa anecdote

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The President of the UAF announced when the national team of Ukraine will receive a new coach

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Ukraine will introduce a new tax on purchases: who will pay and for what

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A devastating cyclone swept through Ukraine: the effects of bad weather were shown on the Internet

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Ukraine will introduce a new tax on purchases: who will pay and for what

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– Cancellations available: heat will return to Ukraine over the weekend

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The children were swimming in the pond

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Children attend kindergarten in the summer

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Word olimp new garden

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